I LOVE the word SUCCESS!
It's one of those words that for me just oozes abundance, easy, joy, and a special style of freedom all of its one. It's kinda like it sets itself apart from the rest of what's occurring around it. It's a little edgy but not in an aloof kinda way but in an invitational kinda way. Almost as if it is saying "SEE - I've done IT! I'm here, come on over - it's a brilliant place to be!" When I say the word success, I find myself smiling. I don't even need to say it to get its special kind of vibe; it just conjures up all sorts of feel good factors for me. And it's not that whatever I'm relating success to has to be hugely significant, like hitting a specific business target, having a client achieve their own style of success in something they're hot on. That feeling of joy happens equally as well when I'm engaged in something ordinary too like finding just the right word for what I'm writing, finding a document I want to refer to straight away or making a fine cup of tea that tastes superbly refreshing. Success isn't just slanted to the big stuff in life (though of course we can easily relegate it there), it happens over and over and over again in our day. That's if we allow it. As far as I'm concerned, success is always sitting in the wings waiting to jump in and say "I'm here - thanks for calling me in!". Hi, I'm Sandi Neilson, success agent for those who want it all and that all includes a life where their work and/or business has meaning to them and not just as a means to make money. Have you ever had a day that was so YOU that you felt it just couldn't be any better? A day where you felt you just were living optimumally and quintessentially ALL YOU? I was quite young when I first realised I had a day just like this. It was disappointing for me to have it followed though by a miserable day and then a mediocre day after that. I realised success in some things came easily to me and in other areas it didn't and it irked me that I couldn't have it good all the time or figure it out first time, every time, how to achieve a level of success I was pleased about in everything I did. What worked one time didn't always work at other times. That started me off on a quest to have a life that was just like that - great every day. Of course it wasn't all plain sailing and successful living for me kept being a wide ebb and flow affair for quite some time - not that you would have noticed it. I grew up in that "fake it til you make it" time which I now believe further slowed my discovery of what true successful living was all about for me. But it did serve me enough to have me always on the lookout for ways to more easily and naturally succeed, to feel like a winner every day. Some things worked, some didn't. It was a lot of trial and error through my teens, twenties and even thirties. But I didn't give up on this quest - to have continuous days where it just couldn't be better for me. I have passed through various careers, mild to wild life experiences, redundancies and some serious illnesses. Some weeks were a daze of pain for me and yet I pushed myself to succeed. And then there were times where natural highs were almost surreal for me. I bartered with myself that I could have this or that when I'd achieved something I've worked hard at and I often would drive myself to exhaustion to succeed in a goal that led me no where near days and times where I could experience 'days like this' just as in that song and which I now knew in my heart I could experience. One of those fab days would seemingly miraculously appear out of the blue and it would drive me nuts that I seemingly had no control over all this. Yet something kept niggling at me that there must be some kind of formula, some kind of key or code, something that was unique to me. It didn't fall into place in one lot but after one particular series of events that shook up my life, I started seeing more than I'd seen before in self-mastery ways. I began discovering some deep wisdoms and truths about myself that seemed so simple and right for me, so obvious yet I'd never discovered before. I began to see my life from a totally different angle and my world changed. So I’m here living my life largely now guided by what I've learned and my value of contribution calls me on a daily basis to use what I've learned to support others to sow these seeds for themselves and live their unique winning combination of having a great business or livelihood venture and a quality of life too. This combination that has them living fully their way as well – where they are equally proud of their work and personal life and where they get to enjoy the true pleasures and prosperity that so work for them. If this is for YOU or a loved one, read on or get in contact with me - it's perhaps time we connected. More of My Story:~ They say much of what we learn as adults is seeded in our childhood. I certainly know for myself that success not only in personal success but in enterpreneurial endeavors has been with me a long time. Success was something I was always seeking in a conscious way for as long as I can remember. My thirst for success knowledge started as a young child reading true war stories of heroes and heroines with courage, commitment and a strong sense of wanting to contribute to others welfare and well-being. When I was around 11 I started my first money-making venture with my brother. We had our own bantam hens and sold eggs to our neighbors. What I learned then are lessons I still refer to from time to time today. Business fascinated me even back then. I was more interested in how all the components came together than really the money I got at the end of each week (but those first grown-up red dress shoes I bought at 11 were one of the proudest purchases I have made). But not getting it right first time has been the path I’ve taken a lot in a couple of important areas of my life like my ideal career, my ideal version of business success and in self-mastery. Once I began to master aspects of how to live my personal life my way with results that excited me on a daily basis I turned my attention to business. Here situations where I didn’t get it right first time actually shaped and heightened my quest to find the right answer, the right insight or understanding so that I could take the right action that would take me one step closer to accomplishing what I wanted. Everything began to really fall into place, when I discovered others were increasingly turning to me to guide and support them in a particularly important area of their life, either personally or in their business or livelihood venture. So I decided to use my experience and talents in this area and went looking in to the profession of coaching. It was, like I said earlier – as if everything fell into place. Once I qualified as a professional life and business coach my life began to lift to another whole new level - the best ever for me. Now I could really help people, more people! My deep desire to guide and support others toward their own take on success, to help sow the right seeds for them and partner in the growing towards more success in each unique winning way has me waking up and smiling from the inside out every day I get to do this. These last 7 years that I’ve been professionally coaching, guiding and supporting others to live the quality of life they desire for themselves and have businesses and livelihoods that they are so proud of, for me is a truly brilliant way for me to live. I can think of no better way to live my life. |