Please let me give you a small yet quality gift of thanks for dropping by....
Have you ever been to a friend's place where you always left with something that made you feel good? You know it might be some home produce like apples from their tree, flowers from their garden, a filleted fish from the catch of the day that you missed out on while you were working, or a magazine with an article you want to read. It might be that you left with nothing material but instead an encouraging word, the memory of a joke shared or simply just time to relax and totally be yourself in the presence of your friend.
If you happened to stop by my place, I'd like to think it felt just right for me to welcome you in and we would enjoy some time together, perhaps over a cup of tea. When it was time for you to leave I'd like to think you weren't leaving empty handed either - just like you never leave your friend's place empty handed. Nor do you leave empty-handed when you have the likes of a walk at the beach, you always take something with you, hopefully something that lifts your heart. I'd like to think you would leave my place with something that makes you feel good in some way too.
I can't welcome you in over a cup of tea here but I can have you, if you would like to that is, leave with something to make you feel good in some way. So please, choose from the list to the right, something that you would like to have for yourself. And NO you don't need to give me any email or details in return for any or all of these items. They are just that - gifts, and therefore they go to you with no attachments except my best wishes to you. They are purely for your pleasure and use as you see fit.
No email or other details required - just click to download.